Three Stages of Business Growth: Where Are You?

Episode Description

Welcome to another enlightening episode of the KayaCast Podcast, your go-to source for all things cannabis business. In today’s show, we’re thrilled to have Tommy Truong from KayaPush join us to explore the intricate process of scaling your dispensary. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner looking to expand, this episode packs a wealth of invaluable insights.

Tommy breaks down the three critical stages of business growth, starting from being a jack-of-all-trades in the startup phase to reaching the pinnacle where your team outshines even yourself. He delves into the importance of understanding your business through the major processes that drive your store, assessing your team, and ensuring you have the right people to support your expansion.

Among the core topics discussed, Tommy emphasizes the vital practice of slowing down to build a robust foundation for growth. He shares strategic exercises to assess your current operations and team, helping you identify strengths, weaknesses, and key performance indicators that are essential before considering expansion.

For more insights and resources, don't forget to subscribe to the KayaCast Podcast on your favorite podcast platform and visit our website for the full archive of episodes. Get ready to take your cannabis business to the next level!

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