In this enlightening episode of Kaya Cast, we sit down with Wesley Hein, a seasoned expert from Mammoth Distribution, to delve into effective strategies for cannabis retailers. Wesley brings his rich background in the music industry and detailed knowledge of the cannabis supply chain to share invaluable insights on navigating the complexities of the market.
Topics we cover include:
- Supplier-Retailer Dynamics: Learn how retailers can leverage supplier relationships to enhance their business, avoid common pitfalls in pricing strategies, and why maintaining strong connections with suppliers is crucial for success.
- Pricing vs. Value: Wesley discusses why lowering prices isn't always the best move and shares an interesting perspective comparing the cannabis industry to other sectors, illustrating how strategic pricing can significantly impact sales.
- Promoting Difficulty Selling SKUs: Discover creative ways to push products that are slow on sales without resorting to discounts. Wesley emphasizes the importance of in-store education and engaging directly with consumers to enhance product velocity.
- Staff Training Tips: Crucial strategies for retailers on how they can work with suppliers to provide compelling, effective training for their teams.
- Ground Game in Marketing: What does a strong ground marketing game look like?
Wesley explains the need for a robust, hands-on approach in a highly competitive space like California.- Future Plans for Mammoth: Wesley shares exciting developments at Mammoth Distribution, including expansion plans and strategic acquisitions aimed at enhancing innovation and product diversity.
Tune into this episode for a deep dive into mastering cannabis retail strategies with one of the industry's most dynamic figures. Whether you are a new dispensary or looking to scale up, Wesley’s insights will guide you in the right direction.Stream Now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or your favorite podcast platform! Don’t forget to subscribe to Kaya Cast for more insightful episodes aimed at helping you thrive in the cannabis industry.
Find out more about Mammoth Distribution at:
00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:16 Challenges Faced by Retailers
00:59 Pricing Strategies in Retail
02:54 Supplier and Retailer Dynamics
07:25 Training and Educating Staff
14:43 California Market Insights
20:07 Future Plans and Innovations
25:18 Closing Remarks and Contact Information
#KayaCast #CannabisRetail #WesleyHein #MammothDistribution #SupplierRetailerDynamics #PricingVsValue #PromotingDifficultySellingSKUs #StaffTrainingTips #GroundGameMarketing #FuturePlansMammoth #CannabisIndustry #DispensaryTips #ScalingUp #InsightfulEpisodes #Podcast #CannabisCommunity #RetailStrategies #Innovation #ProductDiversity #ExpertAdvice #MarketComplexities #SupplierRelationships #CompetitiveSpace #CaliforniaCannabis #StreamNow #Subscribe #ApplePodcasts #Spotify #FavoritePodcastPlatform
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